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my favorite class is history.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


                Science and technology has had a huge influence e on our world. During the late 1800’s and early 1900’s America’s creativity was on full display with a record amount of life changing invention in only a short span of time. These inventions changed everything we know about medical, science, industry, and leisure time.  In no other time period in history except the current time has America ever made so many key inventions and advances in civilization than they did around the turn of the century.
                Around the turn of the century many key inventions were made, one of the earliest in that time period is barbed wire.  Barbed wire was the key factor in “taming” the Wild West. It allowed farmers to claim and protect land as well as keep livestock contained. 
                Another key invention of that time period is the type writer. With the invention of the type writer people where allowed to write much faster and a lot more. It also lead the way to printing presses and mass producing of literate. This was important because the literacy rate at the turn of the country was 90%*
                The Telephone was one of the most revolutionary inventions ever in the area of communication. The telephone gave people the power to immediately communicate with someone from a distance. This had never been achieved before. The invention of the telephone was also a symbol of the American sprit at the time. The telephone lead the way to other inventions, like the cell phone.
                Perhaps the most important and symbolic inventions ever is the automobile. The car was and still is America’s trade mark. It is one of our greatest inventions ever. Cars allowed people to go long ways in short periods of time. ** Henry ford made the first gasoline car in 1892. Four years later Chicago held the first automobile race. By 1903 cars were being mass produced, and then came the automobile era. ** The car also inspired people to make other ways of transportation like the motorbike, four wheeler, and other wheeled vehicles.
                Another almost equally important invention is the airplane. The air plane was the first thing to put people in the sky! The air plane is probably the most symbolic invention in the history of mankind. The airplane was first adapted for the use of mail transportation. But would eventually become a main way of transportation for people as well.
                Another addition to the list of revolutionary inventions at the turn of the century is the x-ray. On 1895 the x-ray was accidentally invented.  With it, doctors could see inside people and diagnose problems without having to perform surgery. It also greatly expanded knowledge to doctors. This is a prime example of not only amerce not only making things, but also becoming a lot smarter.
                One of America’s biggest contributions to the world is the invention of the skyscraper. Around the turn of the century, tall building supported by steel beams where being built.  The building kept getting taller and taller. This allowed cities to expand upward. With the Bessemer steel process sky scrapers could be built for less than they ever could be before. America stole its steel to other countries and became the main steel supplier in the world.
                 America was being defined at the turn of the century. After many years of learning, migrating and suffering the turn of the century was the time America became a world power. In 1900 America was the largest steel producer in the world. It had given the world the skyscraper, the air plane, the camera, the telephone and many other inventions. America was looking good and going up at the turn of the century; it was the most productive time in the America’s history. The country was making money, creating jobs, and attracting worldwide attention. To this say there are still very few eras that compare to the creativity and productivity of the turn of the century.

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